Saturday, September 4, 2010

Superfood: Black Rice

Trolling through my favourite newspaper the other day, I came across a story about the new "superfood" can you guess?
Black Rice!
Be still my beating heart...
Eating different coloured rice is a very Asian thing, white rice is less common and more expensive so it is saved for special occasions, in Sri Lankan culture, red rice is the staple rice with basmati or samba being saved for celebrations. 
I love black rice and according to food scientists, I have a good reason to! To quote: "Just a spoonful of black rice bran contains more health promoting anthocyanin antioxidants than are found in a spoonful of blueberries, but with less sugar, and more fibre and vitamin E antioxidants." Fabulous.
The article also goes on to say that other coloured rice such as purple and red rice are equally good for you. to My mum was happy to hear this as she was constantly force-feeding me red rice through much of my childhood...funny how mum's are always right huh? Better start hunting some red rice down, but in the mean time, enjoy this amazing recipe for black sticky rice pudding (not super healthy since it still contains sugar, but super tasty none the less)

Black Sticky Rice
taken from "Little Vietnam" by Nhut Huyhn
250g Black Sticky rice, soaked in cold water overnight
1x560g can lychees drained and cut into quarters, liquid reserved
200g grated palm sugar
pinch of salt
Pandan coconut sauce
 2 teaspoons white sugar
140ml coconut cream
1/2 pandan leaf tied in a knot
pinch of salt

Rinse rice under cold running water three times then place in saucepan. Cover with cold water and bring to the boil over high heat. Reduce heat to low, then simmer for 20min until tender.
Add chopped lychees, reserve lychee liquid, sugar, salt and 2 cups water and stir, then cook for another 5 min.
For the coconut sauce, mix all ingredients in a saucepan and bring to the boil over medium heat. Reduce heat to low, then simmer for 10min. Remover from heat and discard pandan leaf, then set aside.
Serve warm black sticky rice in individual bowls with a teaspoon of coconut sauce drizzled over.

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