Monday, January 24, 2011

Quick vietnamese omelette

image from here
The other day I whipped up a quick lunch for Mr. Ox and I before work with left overs from the fridge. It just goes to show that it's not hard to whip up a simple, healthy, low carb meal in a few minutes.

Vietnamese Omelette
serves 2
3 large free range organic eggs
pinch of sea salt
pinch of sugar
pinch of turmeric
4 tablespoons water
small amount if coconut or peanut oil for frying

12 raw prawns (or any left over cold meat)
1 small red chili chopped (this was pretty hot, so next time I'd use 1/2)
1 spring onion, sliced
3 sprigs garlic chives, sliced
1/3 handful fresh chopped corriander
2 teaspoons soy sauce
small squeeze of fresh lime
handful of bean sprouts

Wisk together eggs, water, salt, turmeric and sugar and place aside. In a fry pan cook the prawns and spring onions in a little oil till opaque or if using cooked meat till meat is heated through, place in a bowl and add chili, garlic chives, corriander, soy, lime and bean sprouts. In the same fry pan, add a little more oil and once hot pour in egg mixture. Tilt pan for egg to coat the bottom of the pan. Turn down heat and cook till the egg is set but still moist on top. Tip prawn mixture onto one half of the omelette and fold other half over the mixture. Serve with cut cucumber and iceberg lettuce.

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