Friday, December 17, 2010

Surving the silly season the fourth

image from here
Christmas is stressful. No doubt about it. There's parties to attend, menus to plan, gifts to buy, outfits to be put together. So how do you stop yourself from tearing out you hair? Simple.
Chapter 4: Mind
  1. Gifts - save yourself the trouble of crowded shopping centres, plan ahead. Either start your shopping early (July mid year sales would be best) or utilise internet shopping. No crowds, great bargains, you can do it in your pj's and they deliver! Or alternatively if your crafty, make gifts. There's nothing better than home baked goodies for that person who has everything. 
  2. Calender or Diary - a simple one, but write everything down, it makes it so much easier to remember things. 
  3. Make sure you keep up with your Chiropractic appointments - Chiropractic adjustments cause your body to release endorphins, which make you happy, and happy people don't want to put their head in the oven with the turkey. 
  4. Take some time out - make sure you plan a day to do nothing. That way if you have things left over you can do them on that day or if you're super organised, just spend the day relaxing. 
  5. Buy a gift for someone in need - Christmas is magical for kids, but it's pretty tough for those who don't have anything. Don't forget those less fortunate. 
  6. Remember that in then end, Christmas isn't about presents or food, or who snogged who at the office party, but about family and friends and spending time together. It's a time to reflect on the year gone and be thankful for what you have and that is what will make a memorable holiday. 
From my family to yours, Merry Christmas.

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